Hooked on Fish

Nov 06 2023
Hooked on Fish Podcast artwork

Submerge into the world of aquariums with the "Hooked on Fish" podcast from Bubble Bay! Your weekly plunge into all things aquatic, this show explores the stunning undersea world, accessible from your living room. We feature engaging conversations, expert advice, and riveting tales from the deep, covering a wide spectrum of topics. Each episode teems with invaluable guidance, from initiating your first aquarium to mastering the art of aquascaping, keeping your fish in optimum health, and beyond. Regardless of whether you're a novice or a seasoned fishkeeping enthusiast, join us as we create ripples in the aquarium hobby. Together, let's forge an ocean of knowledge and grow an online 'Wetropolis' of fishy friends! More Bubble Bay here: www.Bubble-Bay.com http://www.facebook.com/BubbleBayFish www.instagram.com/BubbleBayFish www.twitter.com/BubbleBayFish www.tiktok.com/@bubble.bay www.linkedin.com/company/bubblebay www.pinterest.com/BubbleBayFish/ www.youtube.com/@BubbleBayFish