Life Lessons with Dr. Steve Schell

May 30 2024 1
Life Lessons with Dr. Steve Schell Podcast artwork

For twenty years Dr. Steve Schell’s 30-minute radio program, Life Lessons, was heard throughout the United States. Now, Pastor Steve’s thorough, well-studied sermons can be heard again. Committed to comprehensively teaching through entire books of the Bible, Pastor Steve pulls out the deep, eternal truths in each section of Scripture without skipping over the challenging passages. He applies what is learned clearly and practically so that listeners are inspired to not just be hearers of the Word, but doers. You’ll greatly enjoy the depth of his teaching, the transparency of his stories and the humor of his preaching style as the Holy Spirit uses each sermon to transform your heart and mind. These sermons will help foster true discipleship for the committed Christian, both young and old. Dr. Steve Schell served as a pastor for over 45 years and has spent a lifetime studying the Word of God. He has served as the chairman of Foursquare’s Doctrine Committee for 20 years and has written four books. He is now President of the non-profit organization Life Lessons Publishing and spends his time writing books for Bible study and discipleship.