Bet on You

May 29 2024 1
Bet on You Podcast artwork

What stands between you and your dreams? Your ability to bet on you. Angie Morgan Witkowski is a credentialed leadership expert, NY Times Best Selling author, Executive Coach, Keynote Speaker, former Marine Corp Captain, Athlete, CEO, MBA, and Entrepreneur, who sparks leadership and motivates teams. She helps leaders around the globe embrace risk-taking skills to help them achieve the better life they envision for themselves. Angie is featured in many prestigious publications as a thought leader and is the NY Times bestselling author of business books "SPARK," "Bet on You," and "Leading from the Front." She takes science-backed guidance and delivers this directly to her audience so they can get the clarity, confidence, and courage they need to bet on themselves. She's also a top keynote speaker and sought-after executive coach who has been inside some of the world’s best businesses and has shared a keynote stage with some of the most influential leaders of our time. Known as a relatable and gifted storyteller, Angie delivers impactful and engaging on-site or virtual workshops, business coaching and facilitations, on-demand classes, and private career coaching. New episodes of The Bet on You Podcast drop every Thursday. To learn more about Angie, check out