’Hello $FirstName’ - marketing experts discussing the topic of personalization

May 07 2024 1
’Hello $FirstName’ - marketing experts discussing the topic of personalization Podcast artwork

Ready to learn about personalization in marketing? This podcast is like nothing you’ve tried before. There will be two types of episodes: 1. Audio-book chapters from ’Hello $Firstname’ 2. Discussions of the topics in these chapters with experts in the field Based on my latest book ’Hello $FirstName - Profiting from Personalization’ The book is available in print and kindle and can be bought here: https://amzn.eu/d/7con9Ex (or your local .com, .co.uk, .se amazon...) A written abstract of the book can be downloaded here: https://agillic.com/free-ebook-hello-firstname/ All models and illustrations from the book can be downloaded here: https://www.omnichannelinstitute.com/resources?lang=en