Get Goat Wise | Homestead Livestock, Raising Goats, Chickens, Off-grid living

May 27 2024
Get Goat Wise | Homestead Livestock, Raising Goats, Chickens, Off-grid living Podcast artwork

Are you concerned about the quality, safety, and security of the food supply? Do you worry that chemicals and additives are affecting you and your family’s health? Are you longing to raise more of your own food but don’t know where to start? Do you wish there was a simple way to get started raising your own animals for food? Hi, I’m Millie. Animal Scientist, cattle girl turned goat rancher, co-owner of Dry Creek Livestock, and simple living enthusiast. Fifteen years ago, my health took a turn for the worse and I was physically unable to be the mom and wife I wanted to be, so I put my researcher mind to work and discovered that chemicals in our food supply were causing my problems. I removed them from my diet, and gradually my health and mobility were restored. Since then, I’ve been on a mission to raise all of our own meat, eggs, and dairy. I’ve put three decades of experience and a Master’s Degree in Animal Science together to simplify the process of raising livestock for food and create simple systems that work, and I’m ready to share it with you! In this podcast, you will find simple instructions for sustainable, small-scale livestock husbandry, how to develop management systems that will keep you and your animals happy and healthy, and a plan to create food freedom by raising your own livestock for food. My mission is to teach you how to confidently raise livestock and give them the best life possible while fulfilling their ultimate purpose -- nourishing your family. Let’s ditch the overwhelm and bring home those goats and chickens! If you’re ready to take control of your food supply, raise livestock with confidence, and provide your family with the most nourishing meat, eggs, and dairy available, you’re in the right place! Kick off your muck boots, pour a cup of coffee, and let’s talk livestock! Email us: [email protected] See what’s happening on the ranch: