Does This Sound Familiar? 1️⃣ You’re drowning in ideas but can’t seem to focus. 2️⃣ You overthink, searching for the “perfect” move. 3️⃣ You freeze and procrastinate. 4️⃣ You beat yourself up for wasting time. 5️⃣ Your confidence tanks, making decisions feel impossible. 6️⃣ The cycle repeats. 👉 You’re stuck in the Thought Spiral Stuck Cycle—and it’s holding you back. 📉 Months go by. Years even. The longer you stay stuck, the harder it feels to break free. This Is Where We Break the Cycle. 🔥 No more overthinking. No more second-guessing. Jumpstart Sessions help you take action NOW. If you’ve ever left your car lights on overnight… Your battery dies. The car is fine—it just needs a JUMPSTART. 🚨 The same goes for YOU. You are not broken. But if life has drained your battery—leaving you stuck, lost, or unclear on your next move—it’s time for a JUMPSTART. Who Am I & Why I Do This? I’m Michael Gebben, people call me the MIND Mechanic, and I specialize in JUMPSTARTING Human Batteries—helping ADHD Creators, Dreamers, and Entrepreneurs break free from mental roadblocks and get moving again. 💡 I know what it’s like to feel stuck, spinning my wheels, wondering why I’m not further along. I went from 16+ years of taking Massive Imperfect Action to almost 3 years of Massively Overthinking ALL my Actions. Then, I started taking action again… and it feels amazing to be moving again! That’s why I created Jumpstart Sessions—to get ADHD Creators moving again. I do this work in honor of my Grandpa, who gave up on his writing dreams in his 50s. His biggest regret? Never publishing his novel. I got it published for him at 87. Now, my mission is to give YOU hope and make sure your dreams don’t die in your Heart, Head, or Hard Drive. Without action… 🚫 Your best ideas stay trapped in your head. ⏳ Days turn into years—without progress. 💰 Opportunities slip away while you second-guess. ⚡ Your energy fades, and your passion dims. 💥 But with action… ✅ Clarity replaces Confusion. ✅ Momentum builds, and progress becomes inevitable. ✅ Your confidence grows as you finally move forward. 📩 Ready to Break the Cycle Keeping YOU Stuck? Apply to be on the show & GET JUMPSTARTED! ⚡️❤️🔧 ROCK AND ROLL.