Better Brave: Solopreneur Business Systems

May 27 2024
Better Brave: Solopreneur Business Systems Podcast artwork

This podcast is for the solopreneur who's wearing all the hats. But, now you're ready to delegate and start living that time free life which is why you started your business in the first place! 

Hey, it's Candace, your host! 👋🏼I am obsessed with systems that help us entrepreneurs get our time back and make our businesses run efficiently. I've been a solo-entrepreneur since 2018 and there's no gatekeeping of information on this show! I am a certified life + mindfulness coach, mom of 3, wife, podcaster and owner/creator of Willow & Wren.  

Stick around to hear from me and my guests as we talk shop and all things entrepreneurship. Cheers to small businesses!