Three Part Series about the Tea Party and America Smart people in the series include Journalist Will Bunch who talks about the two years he spent researching his book "Backlash." Historian Zoe Trodd explains how the idea of protest gets appropriated by groups like the KKK, the White Citizens councils of the 1950s, and the Tea Party of today. Internet activist Zephyr Teachout explains how a political opportunity was lost to take on the Financial Sector. Historian Jill Lepore talks Tea Party History,Rolling Stone journalist Matt Taibbi explaining why the Tea Party is full of shit and Cartoonist Tim Kreider talks about how he is not ready for the "return of the assholes" Each episode has an in depth conversation with a photographer who has a unique vision of America:Richard Misrach photographs Alec Soth photographsMiddle America, and Naomi Harris takes us into the world of overweight swingers from the the Bible Belt/ "Chris" the TMI Washington DC correspondent takes us deep into Tea Party conspiracy theoryand your host frets about what will happen next.