Call Us Mommy

Mar 29 2024 3
Call Us Mommy Podcast artwork

Call Us Mommy is a podcast for moms in the trenches of motherhood, new moms feeling a bit shellshocked, or seasoned moms looking for ways to support the younger mamas in their life. We’re here to create a community for all women, wherever they are in their motherhood journey.

Aside from Mommy, you can also call us Ariel and Tianna. We’re two best friends who also happen to be business partners and using this podcast to shine a light on the joyful chaos of motherhood while reminding ourselves (and you) that we can do this. Between the two of us, since we began recording our conversations in 2021, we’ve been in all of the seasons at once, recovering from postpartum, learning to parent pre-teens, chasing toddlers, growing babies, and even nursing them. All while working from home in the midst of the messes.

Ariel is a mom of 4, project manager, career assistant, and coach, married to her high-school sweetheart, and living in a small town in Indiana. Tianna is a former dental assistant turned career assistant and coach, a former single mom of 3 with one bonus babe and one on the way with her new husband living in a slightly bigger town in Indiana, all after escaping an abusive marriage in 2020. We met in 2015 at a church workout, both in the midst of postpartum with baby number 2 and with no idea of what our friendship would bring 5 years later. 

Our friendship evolved into life wives in 2020 when we merged our lives even more by starting Laptop + Littles, where we began showing other women how we work from home. We began working and doing life together almost daily until Tianna moved in with Ariel in 2022 after buying and flipping her house while she waited for her new build. Tianna met her now husband shortly after and the rest can be caught up on in our podcast episode “Tianna and Austin’s Story”. Now that we live in different towns, we miss each other every day but spend lots of time coworking on the phone or making the drive to co-work throughout the week. Call Us Mommy has been a perfect excuse to make that happen more than it might without having such an awesome community to show up for.

Our goal for the Call Us Mommy community is to create a virtual village for all moms, all women, and all stories to feel supported in their journey. If you want to be apart, come hang, give us grace as we sometimes stumble through our words, or share our hardest moments and celebrate the wins with us! We’re so happy you’re here.