Cat - Music is the main player in the Romanian music industry with a market share of more than 30% and an impressive catalogue of more than 6,000 songs. Over the last 20 years, Cat Music has been representing some of the most influential and successful artists in Romania 3Sud Est, Andre, BUG Mafia, La Familia, N&D, Class, Ro-Mania or Valahia are only some of Cat Music artists that wrote the history of Romanian music. Memorable records have been obtained by O-zone – who conquered the international charts with 5 million units sold (out of which 1 million only in Japan) and Cleopatra Stratan – who received from the famous Guinness World Book of Records 6 awards for her performances, among them being the record for the youngest singer performing a national “hit” and the best paid young artist. Pentru plangeri sau reclamatii rugam sa ne scrieti un mesaj direct de pe soundcloud, multumim!