Contemplative at Home

Mar 09 2025 40 ep. 18 mins 97
Contemplative at Home Podcast artwork

Inspired by Lectio Divina and the Collatio, this podcast offers the listener sessions of guided, meditative, listening prayer around different passages of scripture.

Each episode will take you in to a deep place of listening in the Lord's presence where you will hear a gospel story read very slowly so that you can savour each word, imagine the scene vividly and perhaps even discern what the Holy Spirit is speaking into your own life through the text.

This prayer experience is ideal if you would like to interact with the Bible in a new way, deepen your prayer life, or understand Gods love for you more fully.

If you find Lectio Divina beneficial in a group but struggle to do it on your own, this podcast will provide the guidance you need.

Each episode will begin with a brief introduction to the text, guide the listener into a deep place of prayer, read the passage very slowly, twice, and then offer some questions for reflection or journaling.

For more information visit our website at

I wish to thank and acknowledge Fr Finbarr Lynch SJ of Manresa House, Dublin who introduced and instructed me in the Collatio, from which all that I share with you in this podcast is derived.