Discerning The Unknown

Jul 19 2024
Discerning The Unknown Podcast artwork

I'm Ryan Peterson. I am a veteran Radio Broadcaster.  I spent 12 years in the Radio Business as a Talk Show Host in the 90's and early 2000's before "Podcasting" was ever a thing.
My goal on "Discerning the Unknown" is to have a fun and enlightening conversation where the listeners and I can both learn something from the featured expert guest.   
I tried to Host a "political debate" type of show on the radio many years ago.  
I didn't like it. 
I don't argue or debate politics.  I won't have guests on my show that I disagree with politically.   My show is NO about fighting, arguing or debating.  If listeners want a divided, one-sided commentary of the world that tells them what to believe, or strokes their ego and totally aligns with their political views, then there are plenty of other podcasts on the Internet for that.  You can go find one of them.   I present information that listeners may not have thought about before from experts who have done REAL research.  Stuff that makes us think.  We'll discuss "What we think and Why we think it."   
I may also share some relatable stories from my 12 years as a Radio Broadcaster or I may share some from 18 years as a small town Police Officer.  I'm now retired from both but enjoying podcasting more than I enjoyed either of those past lives.  
I realize that covers a LOT of ground.  So, I'll have a LOT of interesting guests.  I've been told I have a 'knack' for asking the questions that listeners are asking.  I'll do my best to do that for you. (If I don't, please send me the question by email or chat).

The goal of "Discerning the Unknown" is to have a calm and comfortable conversation that is both fun, informative, and entertaining. To bring an end to the division in society that may be ruining us, or at least making us unhappy in many ways.
Something I'll try my best NOT to do is to NOT spread Fake News. "Fake News" is a problem today. 
Misinformation has become more prevalent in the past few years and it can be dangerous in so many ways. To effectively slow down the spread of Fake News, we have a responsibility to scrutinize what we read, hear or repeat and ensure that it is the truth. Rumors, Speculation, and Theories are not News. 
YouTube and Facebook Memes are NOT the news.  We need to be discerning before we spread that on social media.
I have a bit of a fascination with the paranormal, and I'll occasionally discuss the Mysteries of History, both recent as well as Ancient. Maybe even UFO's and Reincarnation because it's fun to discuss and speculate.  But I will no longer have psychics on my show simply because they claim to be psychic. 
This show will encourage Critical Thinking and will promote Emotional Intelligence.  I ask if the data supports the theory. 

I'm also a retired Police Officer, Sergeant and Chief of Police in a small Wisconsin municipality.  I spent over 17 years in Law Enforcement, and I place a high value on ethics, truth and evidence that tells the real story. My intent is search for and present facts to you. It's ok for us to be Open-Minded, but we can still request the facts.  
Be Discerning of new Information.  Trust AND Verify. If we can't do both, we should reconsider whether or not we spread it to others.