Discover the Lectionary

Mar 17 2025 600 ep. 11 mins 3
Discover the Lectionary Podcast artwork

Discover the Lectionary is intended to bring you closer to God through a more profound experience of encountering the Bible. Many churches throughout the world share in the standard reading of specific scriptures each Sunday according to a three-year (A, B, C) cycle. Typically, the Sunday readings include one from the Old Testament, a Psalm, one from the Epistles, and a Gospel reading. Each Discover the Lectionary episode reflects the prescribed texts for each Sunday according to the Revised Common Lectionary and read from the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible. Each audio episode incorporates the contemplative and improvised musical artistry of keyboardist Bob Ravenscroft, with prayers and scripture readings offered by Richard Parrish. Listen each week and meditate on the meaning of the scripture you hear. Also, you can download your COMPLIMENTARY PDF devotional for each episode to enhance your listening experience and share it with your friends. Thank you for listening to Discover the Lectionary!