Doctrine of Authority (Pocket College)

Dec 04 2020
Doctrine of Authority (Pocket College) Podcast artwork

Pocket College ( is a free online college for those desiring an excellent education from a consistently Christian standpoint. It features audio lectures given by the eminent Christian philosopher and polymath RJ Rushdoony (1916-2001) from the 1960s to the 1990s on a multitude of diverse subjects, ranging from theology and law, through history and politics, all the way to economics and other areas - all from a thoroughly Biblical perspective. The main goal of Pocket College is to educate and prepare future leaders of the reemerging Christendom. The tapes were faithfully maintained by the Mt Olive Tape Library, diligently digitized by and from now available on your favorite podcast platform. This particular course deals with the Biblical doctrine of authority, a largely forgotten doctrine today, but nevertheless one of paramount importance for forming a godly and truly Christian worldview, as well as a firm foundation for a solid defense of the faith. We hope you will enjoy listening - as we certainly have. May the Lord God, our Master, bless your studies.