Domestic Turkeys! Fun Feathered Friends in Your Backyard

Jun 18 2024 1 ep. 9 mins 1
Domestic Turkeys! Fun Feathered Friends in Your Backyard Podcast artwork

The Feathered Delights of Raising Your Own Turkeys Howdy, friends! Pull up an old chicken-coop stool and let me regale you with the feathery, gobble-filled joys of keeping a flock of turkeys amidst your homestead menagerie. Sure, everybody gets starry eyed for those beguiling chookies, those ridiculously charming backyard chickens clucking about, but let me ask you: have you ever experienced the pure, unbridled delight of a turkey welcoming committee? Well let me tell you, there are few sweeter homestead greetings than being happily mobbed by a trotting, purring pack of feathered hooligans whenever you enter the paddock area! You haven't lived until you've felt the soft buffeting of fanned tail feathers and pronking turkey haunches wuffing against your overalls. And the ecstatic churrr-churrrring vocals showering you like the most riotous jazz scat singers ever to grace the avian amphitheater! That's the true allure of turkey husbandry, my friends – the total immersion into a wacky realm of unbridled fowl enthusiasm and personality. These remarkable birds possess a zest for life and showmanship that'll have you grinning from ear to ear each morning as you make your feeding rounds. Now I know what you're thinking: Tom turkeys seem so comically ill-tempered and stand-offish, raring for a scrap every time you lock eyes through the fence. And sure, while they may strut about with considerable bluster and those arresting cobra-like iridescent plumes fully flared at the slightest provocation, the truth is domesticated turkeys quickly become as docile and bonded with their caretakers as any dog once introduced properly. Why, I'll never forget sweet ol' Thunder Ridge Maximus, who'd come loping across the homestead the second he caught my scent, leaping and wings aquiver, just to station himself beside me like an adoring royal guard for the entirety of my morning chores! So long as you thoughtfully establish boundaries and safe spaces, domestic turkeys will cement themselves as the goofy, feather-dangling sidekicks you never knew your homestead days were missing. And what unabashed gourmets and unapologetic treats goblins these gobblers make, let me tell you! While chickens often retain a somewhat fussy, picky disposition when it comes to their feed, domestic turkeys are game to try absolutely anything. And I do mean anything. My jennies and toms routinely frolic about like popcorn kernels, joyfully gobbling down stray veggies, melon rinds, apple cores, literally any vegetable scraps or chicken scratch the earth has to offer. One look at those irresistible spiral twist turkey necks bobbing and snaking about mowing down on a fresh bounty of backyard goodies reaffirms why these feathered vacuum cleaners deserve a treasured spot right alongside your compost heap and workhorse gardening staff. Now I'll admit, the early days of introducing turkeys to an established homestead can feel a tad, well...chaotic? Their boisterous nature and endearingly spastic movements as they joyously ricochet about inspecting/devouring/perch-mounting every new dangling curiosity on your slice of Gaia's good green earth definitely takes some acclimation. Gardens and water features in their path may need some tender reinforcing for those first few months. However, I promise - once everybody on the homestead comes to understand one another's boundaries, turkeys swiftly reveal themselves as the Zen masters of your motley animal crew. You'll catch them serenely digging dust baths in the strawberry patches, languidly wing-flapping meditation sessions between zoomies through the lettuces, all while abiding by their secret ancient turkey philosophy: "Whaddya gonna do, maaaan? Whaddya gonna do?" Blissed out at every turn, these birds. Oh, and regarding the inevitable seasonal "processing" turkeys undergo on most homesteads, I find their spiritual equanimity somehow eases the difficulty of that November occasion. You can just sense these iconic fowl peacefully accept the natural cycles of thanksgiving and rebirth, as if they intuitively understand their very presence as guests on our plates serves to nourish and strengthen the enduring human-turkey allegiance. After all, domestic turkeys have been right there alongside indigenous North Americans and Europeans preserving our cultures over the centuries, comically jangling and flicking debris around our cooking fires throughout history's hardest epochs. It's like they know their higher calling encompasses sustaining us as a bedrock of endurance food, while their dazzling feathers and charming hatchling antics feed the human soul's need for natural wonderment. On a practical, get-your-hands-dirty homesteading level, the humble domestic turkey can't help but steal your heart, either! Each spring, few experiences top the utter delight of poult posses trailing in your shadow, peeping and prattering at your boots with those riotous mini cone heads and popcorn ball bodies aquiver. I'll take a regimen of darting, chaotic hen-and-chick duty maneuvers over any hyped artificial stress test. As the weeks progress and fluffy shimmers of iridescent feather coverage enrobes your summertime poults, their distinct personalities begin to shine, too. You'll find each juvenile turkey indelibly stamping their unique spirit onto daily paddock life, their little wattle nubs and sprouting topknots seeming to convey subtle moods and dimensions of attitude that reveal their complex cognition. Simply spending a lazy afternoon observing turkey flockmates interacting, swirling about in choreography only they comprehend, slowly reveals their individual transcendental quirks. Witness goofy young Belinda perpetually squashing herself into any crevice or nook, apparently believing her plump wattles equate to turkey transcendence through perpetual squatting. Meanwhile, young Thunderbottom struts about spasmodically slapping at his wing nubs while making pretend chest-puffing gulping sounds, clearly rehearsing a sultry fantasy of full, virile tango maleing. And who could forget prankster Drumstickley, reveling in his self-assigned role as homestead instigator, carefree as he giddily sneaks up behind fellow flock members only to launch an abrupt feather-explosions of wing-blasted hutzpah! Let turkey skeptics see these silly sideshow shenanigans unfold and I defy them not to feel their anxiety temporarily dissolved in contagious spates of pure laughter. Speaking of merriment, just wait until you join your feathered cronies at the powder hole during dust bathing rituals! There are few comedic spectacles quite as delightfully absurd as a dozen-plus overenthusiastic turkeys frantically flapping themselves into oblivion, whipping up billowing tornadoes of powdery earth and debris whenever the mood strikes. And the crisscrossing panicked bolt escapes whenever a sudden flock sneeze breaks the reverie, only to have the whole troupe immediately resettle back into serene dust wallowing mere moments later! It's little surprise recent scientific studies have shown domestic turkeys seeming to possess a self-awareness of mortality, exhibiting behaviors suggestive of an intuitive grasp upon the cycles of death/rebirth that underscore their roles as icons of harvest celebrations worldwide. Maybe this grounding sense of metaphysical equanimity derived from humans stewarding them represents the profound root of their charming, yet profound flock antics. For our sake, they've joyfully uplifted the daily husbandry grind through their whimsical gobbledygook gobbling, merrily dispelled stresses through the relentless siren songs of gobble-gobble-gobble serenading our morning wakeup calls. All while ingratiating themselves as faithful co-architects on homestead garden soil enrichment and fortification. Merriment, wisdom, nourishment - what more could one ask of a homestead companion? Sure, you may find yourself unexpectedly moved to gobble-tears at the occasional glimpse of a slipping-through-the-fence turkey rump wobbling a defiant salute your way before waddling off over yet another self-imposed rebellious escape into the backfield. Or spying haughty senior turkeys gossiping in incessant whispery purr-purls and conspiratorial low chuckles as they cast what appear to be disdainfully skeptical side-eyes whenever our own clucking human antics seemingly fail their jaundianced comic standard. But I guarantee you - once besotted by their rascally gobbling laughter and unshakably positive spirits radiating pure joy in simply living each day, you'll soon find yourself reciprocating their infectious goony gobbledegook shtick every chance you're graced with their feathered eminence's strut-pronking presence. So I heartily encourage each and every one of you to take the leap and invite a flock of feather-brain hooligans into your homestead's life. I promise you - there's simply no better elixir for the weary soul than coming home to a turkey stampede vibrating with energy as your feathered pals "woo-woo, gobble-gobble" their greetings and immediately sweep you into their happy reality. A reality where all is right in their pulsating, trilling world and maybe, we discover, all could be more rightly exuberantly turkey-fied in ours as well. Because at the end of each sun-bronzed homestead day, aren't those grinning moments amidst our goofy turkey flockmates the most timeless priceless, all-too-human instants of authenticity we all secretly crave? Those heart-nourishing oases where our own frenzied interior dialogues briefly hush and all that remains is this eternal, ridiculous present tranquility clucking and gobbling back at us? So keep on gobble gobbling, you magnificent feathered clowns and spirit muppets. We'll keep on celebrating and stewarding your presence amongst us for as long as your loopy joie de vivre continues blessing our humble, interdependent earth walks. Deal? GOBBLEGOBBLEGOBBLE!!!