Eastmans’ Elevated Podcast with host Brian Barney is the podcast for hardcore Western Big Game hunters. Brian does one thing every single episode, talks hunting! From tips and tactics for locating and stalking to shooting strategies and even photo taking advice, Eastmans’ Elevated keeps you up to date and in the know all while entertaining you as Brian and his guests take you along on their hunts and breakdown the skills and mindset needed to be successful in the Western Big Game hunting arena. Black Ovis - www.blackovis.com Camo Fire - www.camofire.com Eberlestock - www.eberlestock.com Kryptek - www.kryptek.com Mathews - www.mathews.com Savage - www.savagearms.com Sig Sauer - www.sigsauer.com/electro-optics.html Silencer Central - www.silencercentral.com Zamberlan - https://www.zamberlanusa.com/eastmans