As a warrior; Learning how to live in the newness of life under grace and truth. Walking in the likeness of His resurrection. Living a lifestyle of worship and holiness before the Lord. Living in Union of Spirit with the Lord as His bone of His bones and flesh of His flesh. Learning to live free from oppression of the enemy. Being able to say; the enemy came to me and he found nothing in me to latch on. Ministering in the anointing and the glory. Putting the first commandment first and conquering through power and authority by preaching the gospel with boldness. Exercising the Gift and maintaining the character of Love through the working of Holy Spirit. Seeking the kingdom and His righteousness (through His Justice). Those who are really hungry and thirsty will seek Him and they will find Him. Those who will draw near to Him, He will draw near to them. Those who hear Him knocking at the door, will open the door and He will come in and dine with you. Come closer. His Sheep hear His voice. Come eat His Flesh and drink His blood. He is one Spirit with you. Let His Word become flesh in and through you, so that you may have life and live it abundantly through His Grace and Truth. He will clothe you with His righteousness. When you see Him you will not be the same; you will be like Him. Into His likeness is our journey. We must learn to wait on Him, before we learn to walk with Him. He is the good Father and He will teach you all things. Come you who hunger and thirst for His righteousness. Seek the kingdom and His righteousness and all things will be added unto you. His eyes are searching for the true sons of God. The earth is groaning for that revealing of the true and mature sons of God. Do you want to learn how to mature into a mature son? Are you ready to receive your inheritance? Come and wait on Holy Spirit!