Fireside Chat

Apr 22 2024 85
Fireside Chat Podcast artwork

Fireside Chat is an independent, alternate news source and analysis for Calgary Flames fans. Since then we’ve been adding other content that our listeners have asked for to round out our coverage of the Calgary Flames.

Our mantra is “For the C of Red, by the C of Red.” We are a small group of passionate Flames fans who love to talk about our team, and we want to cover our team from a different perspective. We’re not a big media company that has to appeal to everyone, we can talk about the issues that concern the serious Calgary Flames fan.

It can be hard work to follow the Flames in depth. Between online coverage, newspapers, TV, radio and other sources, there is a lot of Flames news out there and so many different perspectives. Our podcast is designed to give you one place you can come to get all the relevant news about the team each week during the season. We read and listen to all those other sources so you don’t have to, and then we summarize all the important news in one show.