Game of Thrones – Vassals of Kingsgrave

Oct 29 2022 100 ep. 2.7k
Game of Thrones – Vassals of Kingsgrave Podcast artwork

These are in-depth episode reviews of HBO's GAME OF THRONES, from a strictly book-readers perspective. They will therefore include spoilers for all published books in George R. R. Martin's A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE.

The podcasts are recorded by the Vassals of Kingsgrave (VoK), a community cast tenaciously dedicated to discussing every juicy morsel of Martin's epic fantasy saga. Review teams are divided into 3 regions - KrakenKast (Australian & Asia-Pacific), WolfCast (Europe), and DragonCast (America). Along with reviewing episodes of the TV show, these podcasts also cover related media, such as the GAME OF THRONES video game, by Telltale.

For more from the Vassals of Kingsgrave, please visit