SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION SECTION 2 “QUESTIONS” 1. as one of the leaders of the gaming industry and there are a lot of questions, I’d like to ask you, but I thought I’d begin with quite a broad one how are you feeling about the Indian and global games market at the moment? 2. I would like to talk about, Influenzer – Super Fashion stylist social media game that will make you social media icon. Could you tell us about the production? How much time did it take to finish the Game? What was the process? How did you combine the different workflows? 3. people mostly consider unity engine as a toolkit for game developers but with all the recent advancements, I think software is ready to step into other fields like filmmaking and metaverses. but when someone who is joining the gaming industry for the first time, there is always a rivalry between Unity and Unreal engine? So according to you, which engine should we pick for the game development? 4. how Gamestacy as a company going to shape the world in the coming 5 or 10 years? SECTION 3 “SURPRISE SECTION” 5.what are the upcoming games you are planning to develop in future. Are they going to be mobile games, or you are going to shift to consoles like Nintendo SWITCH, PS5? 6.Recent Ban on Game called “BGMI” which was owned by Krafton, I think krafton is the largest company who was helping Indian gaming industry to grow and helping Indian company to get funded. What do you think about this ban? 7. The online gaming market, which includes real money games, casual games and esports is growing at a rapid pace in India with more than 76 online gaming start-ups being funded. About $2.9 billion was raised from 2014 to 2022. This growth is due to the increasing number of international game developers entering the Indian market, and local languages being included into games to get a larger presence. According to you what is the future of Indian in gaming industry? 8. how your company get funded and what process you followed as company to get funded? What things we should include in pitch deck document of our game?