Gifted Unleashed

Nov 20 2024 52 ep. 46 mins 42
Gifted Unleashed Podcast artwork

Do you suffer from imposter syndrome? Have you been called „too much“, „too intense“ „too sensitive“? Do you just hate inequality? Do you have difficulties finding your career path because you are a multi potential person who has a 1000 ideas and 500 projects... all at the same time? Do you have a weird evolved sense of humor? Do you suffer from dyslexia but are fast at grasping new concepts? Do you have a hard time fitting in and sometime feel like a minority of one? Well you are not alone! This is why I am here. I felt the urge and need to have a place to collect all the interesting stories, concepts and ideas which inspired me over the last couple of years. But more importantly, I stumbled across a very interesting and surprising finding! It might help you realize that what you‘ve always thought what is „wrong“ with you, is actually what is right with you! Together we will explore the topic of giftedness, neurodiversity and twice-exceptionality (2e). You do not need an IQ test to listen but an open mind and a natural portion of curiosity. Welcome to Gifted Unleashed, the Podcast for Gifted and 2e Adults. (Formerly known as Unleash Monday)