Gods Of Real Estate: Fancy Boy Edition

May 20 2024 6
Gods Of Real Estate: Fancy Boy Edition Podcast artwork

Gods of Real Estate is a collaborative story telling show about imagination and creativity. Every week a special guest walks me (Jon Shefsky Tomashefsky, California Realtor from the True Crime Comedy Podcast CRiiiME) through their imaginary Fantasy House. There's no limits on technology or even reality. It's so friggin' fun, it feels like we are actually in these houses having our minds blown. Puppy petting zoos, robot servants, indoor ski slopes, disease healing machines, ghost butlers and more! And since this is FANCY BOY EDITION, we end the episode with a most watering description of a make believe epic meal thought up by our special guest! This show is uplifting and inspiring for house hunters, Airbnb hosts, interior designers, Architects and comedy fans alike. You really have to listen to understand.