HOW TO HAVE IT ALL? Health, Wealth, Success and Happiness, HAVE IT ALL! by Coach ESTHER

Jul 19 2022
HOW TO HAVE IT ALL? Health, Wealth, Success and Happiness, HAVE IT ALL! by Coach ESTHER Podcast artwork

HAVE IT ALL. You can. Many people talk about how it is all about thinking the right thoughts to Succeed. How Your thoughts create Your Life. So, can You change the way You think if it has not been Positive up until now? OF COURSE YOU CAN. This is what I did. And it worked! I listened to my self-talk audios every night while I slept for years, until it was in my subconscious - my beliefs even now grow by hearing! I listen to these audios every night while I sleep on repeat, each day a different self-talk because any negative self-talk from Your past can be overridden by positive - it may take 90 days or even a year but once it is in Your subconscious, YOU WILL SUCCEED! On my Podcast I will also discuss my Books and Ideas. This is for You - the most Magnificent, Powerful, Awesome You! I honour the Greatness that You are! Any insecurity can be turned into confidence - sometimes we just need a little guidance or mentorship by someone who truly wants the very Best for us - that was my wealthy aunty for me, and I hope my Books, Podcast and all else that I will share will be that for You. With this my wish to You as that You live a truly Powerful, Beautiful, Purposeful, Rich, Wealthy Life and that You Prosper and Succeed!! With all my heart, Your Coach ESTHER