I Should Be Meditating with Alan Klima - Daily Meditation Practice, Questions Answered, and Reflections on Ekhart Tolle, Jack Kornfield, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Mooji, and other teachings from Meditation, Buddhism, Yoga, and Advaita

Jan 29 2017 29
I Should Be Meditating with Alan Klima - Daily Meditation Practice, Questions Answered, and Reflections on Ekhart Tolle, Jack Kornfield, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Mooji, and other teachings from Meditation, Buddhism, Yoga, and Advaita Podcast artwork

Guided meditations, talks, and questions answered 7 DAYS A WEEK for teachings and motivation in a constant stream that gets us out of distraction, worry, stress, and keeps reminding our attention to come back to mindful living in awareness. Meditation help for mindfulness, sticking to a practice, and clarifying what true here and now. A daily show that keeps up a constant stream of meditation influence, to keep calling attention back home to its heart, for meditators, Buddhists, spirituality seekers, and anyone looking for peace, relaxation, and stress relief.