Welcome to Leading Generous Teams. A podcast dedicated to making leadership easier.
We bring you insights from leaders who are having an impact where
• resources are stretched,
• resilience is constantly tested,
• and the social issues and opportunities are never ending.
Hosted by Clare Desira, CEO of the Top Five Movement. Top Five Movement are a team of award-winning coaches with a vision to support generous leaders to have a bigger impact.
Our expertise lies in the practical application of neuroscience for sustainable behaviour change in the workplace.
We’re so glad you’re here and know you’ll leave feeling hopeful and re-energised with ideas on how you can tackle these challenges and support your teams in new ways.
For resources + free team building opportunities, visit www.topfivemovement.com
Leading Generous Teams was originally created in partnership by Clare Desira (Top Five Movement) + Pro Bono Australia to improve the mindset, resilience and mental health of people working in the social sector.
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To immediately start building your team’s resilience on a daily basis with Top Five’s
free toolkit head to www.topfivemovement.com/tools