LifeClips Podcast

Mar 04 2025 394 ep. 74 mins 6
LifeClips Podcast artwork

Our podcast airs LIVE every Friday 7 PM EST/4 PM PST Subscribe to us on YouTube and Rumble 

I am a small podcast doing what God has led me to do. LifeClips is a hodgepodge of sorts. 

• I talk about prophecy, however, not much at all. I think that camp (except for the date setters) are plugging away nicely. I do have them on the show from time to time! 
• I love to share other LifeClips of struggling believers who either came home as the prodigal or received the truth of who Jesus is and recognized their need for a Savior and believed in the true gospel. 
• We give encouragement, freedom and Biblical TRUTH!
• Finally and a BIG part of LCP, is the dissection of this apostate, heretical and mystery religious "Christian" world we are living in today.

God sent His ONLY Son into this world to die for ALL mankind. 

Jesus pinned Himself, willingly, on a cross and bore our sins. He bled and died for us. One must only believe through FAITH that Jesus came to earth, was born of a virgin, He lived a sinless life, He died on Calvary, and, halleluiah, three days later, He came up out of that tomb. 

Jesus was seen by over 500 people before He ascended in heaven and now sits at the right hand of God the Father.  There is coming a day when only the BRIDE of Christ will hear a sound from heaven and be snatched out of this godless, lawless and perverted planet. 

Christ will return again in all His glory and redeem the remnant Israel and He will rule and reign from the throne of David for 1,000 years in Jerusalem. 

If you have not already, I implore you TODAY to believe through faith that Jesus is who He said He is. Turn your head knowledge into heart knowledge today!