Light and Truth

Dec 31 2024 107 ep. 81 mins 46
Light and Truth Podcast artwork

Light and Truth contains lectures delivered by one with authority to teach and with one purpose in mind. That purpose is to teach gospel truth and to spread light, that all who receive might gain knowledge through the exercise of individual faith. Comprehension of the Doctrine of Christ is not based on command of a vocabulary or mastery of an argument. It is, instead, based on gathering light. Light is gathered by heed (obedience) and diligence alone. By following the light one has already received, one grows in light. This process leads to the “perfect day,” where the light has chased away all darkness. This is how men and women, like Christ, can grow from grace to grace, until they receive a fullness. By subordinating the will of the flesh to the will of the spirit, you gain light and truth. Do it to understand it. Once you understand, you will be able to tell when someone speaks with the power of the spirit, words of eternal life.

Without the truth it is impossible to repent. In order to take people captive, all that is required is for people to be content with their ignorance. The greatest threat to salvation does not come from teaching false doctrine but instead comes from ignoring doctrine altogether.

Faith was always intended to grow into knowledge. Knowledge comes from contact with Jesus Christ. This is the knowledge that saves and nothing else. The idea that knowledge of Christ — through His personal appearance to each person — is now unavailable is an old sectarian notion and is false. “Knowing God is Christ’s definition of Eternal life and salvation. Joseph Smith clarified this does not mean to learn something about Him. Rather, it is to meet Him. It is to have Him minister to you, face to face, as one man speaks to another.” Since this is life Eternal, to know Him, would it be a simple and plain, but most precious teaching to urge people to part the veil of unbelief and behold their Lord?

These lectures are aimed at the humble followers of Christ who seek Him and his truth. They offer an opportunity to grow in light and truth and understanding, that all who receive may grow to have a “perfect day”.