Welcome to Magnus Podcast - a production of the Albertus Magnus Institute, Inc. Imagine an academy deeply rooted and committed to the classical liberal arts, stocked to the brim with well-known, world-class faculty, and universally accessible. Now imagine it being completely affordable, even free. This was the vision of St. Albert the Great, father of classical education: an education that is at once freeing and free. A true and human liberation has always been the promise of an education in the liberal arts. Indeed, for the better part of the last 3,000 years, it was no mystery where one could learn how to cast off the shackles of the world and what to study to achieve that liberated state. In no uncertain terms, the classical liberal arts undoubtedly served as the intellectual foundation of Western Civilization. However, we are no longer a society of free men. The tradition of the liberal arts was left behind in favor of a more “practical” alternative. Many were promised a “liberating” education, and ironically received a soft enslavement. Graduates today are unemployable and inextricably saddled with debt, for an education they were told was “necessary for employment.” Worse still, society has abandoned the time-honored methods for discovering truth; “civil” discourse has been discarded and “arguments” only seek to divide, leaving our true sense of wonder unsatisfied. We propose a paradigm shift in education – or more appropriately, a resurrection of the universal and timeless tradition of the classical liberal arts. We want to provide an affordable academic forum for students to engage in guided conversations in a shared pursuit of truth itself. The truth, which alone is liberating, and must once again be liberated - drawing all men to itself: OMNES AD VERITATEM.