Mantra, Kirtan and Stotra: Sanskrit Chants

Jan 31 2025 500 ep. 6 mins 3
Mantra, Kirtan and Stotra: Sanskrit Chants Podcast artwork

For Spiritual Development and Joy of Heart. Mantra-Chants from Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany. Sometimes enthusiastic, sometimes in a more meditative mood; sometimes classical, sometimes more modern. Sivananda tradition. Mantras, Kirtan, Recitations of Shlokas, Stotras, Suktams. Mantra Chanting is a wonderful practice for opening of the heart, for activating Divine energy, for experiencing higher levels of Consicousness. Find the most popular Mantras, Kirtans and Stotras for free download as mp3. Most Mantras in this Mantra Podcast are in Sanskrit, some in Hindi, some Kirtans are in English, German or other languages. Experence Bliss! Kirtan Mantra Chanting for Ganesha, Shiva, Vishnu, Krishna, Rama, Hanuman, Durga, Lakshmi, Kali, Saraswati ...