Messianic Messages with Izzy (Video Bible Teachings)

Messianic Messages with Izzy (Video Bible Teachings) Podcast artwork

Shalom, my name is Izzy. These are the messages given to me over the course of roughly three and a half years when I was leading a congregation in Saskatchewan, Canada. Every Saturday I preached my heart out on what I felt Christians most needed to hear, things lost to the body of Messiah whose prophetic time has come: the Jewishness of Jesus, the Hebrew roots of Christianity, and the ways of the Early Church. By the time I was done I had taught through the entire Torah and New Testament and cast a vision of the future for the body of Messiah that is as urgent now as it was then. We now air these Messianic Jewish messages 24/7 to millions through our internet radio station "Yeshua Radio" and also offer them here. Curious what's happened since these messages were delivered? See for yourself at And one more thing - if you appreciate these talks please subscribe, leave a positive review, and check out the perks of membership at