Michael Talks to Errbody

Dec 01 2023 157 ep. 34 mins 40
Michael Talks to Errbody Podcast artwork

Hi Family! I am an artist, motivational speaker, comedian, and lover of LIFE.

Michael Talks to Errbody is 30 minutes of talk, laughter, enlightenment, and feel-goodness. I believe that people out there are in bad shape, from George Floyd's tragedy, to living with Kanye, to how mean humans can be to one another. While Covid is ruining so many lives, jobs, and livelihoods and we’re enduring the worst political shit show (dumpster fire, crap show) in our history, People need a positive outlet. We’d like to help people recover from all that…people are mad, depressed, anxious, scared, and fat. Our children are sad and confused. We are here to help. LOL

Thought-provoking and often humorous takes on life's many ills and thrills that tend to jar us, confuse us, or infuriate us to the point that we gotta laugh to keep from punching someone in the face. These conversations driven by Michael will always get us back to a safe and even learning space that will serve to help us unfold into our greater selves. In other words, we're gonna be talkin' sh*t and laughing and learning from some of the coolest, smartest, funniest, most adventurous mo'fos on the planet.