Chris Miles is your Cash Flow Expert and Anti-Financial Advisor. From passive income and personal finance strategy to infinite banking tips, this podcast is the place to start if you're on a journey to financial freedom. Listen and learn how to get your money working for you so you don't work so hard for your money!
In this podcast, you will learn how to become "work optional" and live the life that you want. You will be able to quit your 9-to-5 by creating passive income. 401k will never make you free, putting anything in the stock market is a gamble, you need passive income with real cash flowing assets to become financially free. Traditional Financial advice will never get you there and financial advisers are just salespeople.
Not only will be talking about why you need passive income, how to get it, and what alternative investments you can put your money into, but we also will talk about a little-known strategy called infinite banking. Infinite banking is when you use your whole life policy to help fund you're investing deals. We call it a supercharged savings account where you can get your money to pay you twice. Max ROI infinite banking policies, when designed correctly, can help you double the money you make on investments because you are becoming your own bank. We have many episodes about infinite Banking and how you can use it as a part of your alternative investing strategy.
Retirement is closer than you think. You don't have to wait until you're 65 if you invest your money in passive investments. Real estate has always proven to be the best investment that the wealthiest people put their money into. Why would we reinvent the wheel at this point? Real estate is a great asset to bank on. Many of our episodes talk about the returns you can make on real estate, and how when you invest in things like syndications or turn-key real estate you have a passive investment with minimum work on your end.
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