Monster Island Podcast

Apr 18 2024 17 ep. 74 mins 3
Monster Island Podcast artwork

You are listening to the Monster Island Podcast! We are a podcast dedicated to the action packed kaiju battle game “Monsterpocalypse” by Privateer Press. We are not affiliated with Privateer Press, but are just fans of the game and want to share our enthusiasm through this podcast. The hosts of the show are Shane Halar and me, Craig Thompson-Wood. 
On a monthly basis we will be discussing any of the news around the game, talking about some of the different monsters, units and buildings in the game as well as some other more light hearted topics of discussion centered around Monsterpocalypse. 
If you are a fan of Monsterpocalypse or would just like to know more about this awesome kaiju battle game, then we would invite you to sit back, strap in and prepare yourself for a trip to Monster Island!