My Money Reset - Change The Way You Think About Money

Feb 20 2023 5
My Money Reset - Change The Way You Think About Money Podcast artwork

As a recovering financial advisor with a counselling diploma, I help high-income earners get off the paycheck-to-paycheck rollercoaster without changing their lifestyle. You will learn that money behaviour is more important than money knowledge, because what's the point of knowing how to invest if you have no money to invest? Nothing has gone wrong, you just need to reset your money mindset, that's all. I do this using my book, Budgets, Like Diets, Don't Work and behaviour science to reset your money spending and saving habits so you can create wealth. I will teach you how money habits form and how to change them without giving up on the lifestyle that you have worked so hard to create. No frugality tips here but I may drop a money-saving idea here and there. Also, if you are looking for the next hot stock tip or if you should buy bitcoin, I'm also not your podcast but thanks for reading this far.