Nations of the World

Jan 08 2025 68 ep. 78 mins 21
Nations of the World Podcast artwork

This podcast series is intended to take you on a journey to each of the world's many fascinating and diverse nations. In each episode you will learn factual points as well as many details that make each nation unique. Each episode will include four segments. The first one - Bare Bones - will include the basics such as the country's capital, it's form of government, languages, religions, and more. The second one - Heart of the Nation - is where we go more in depth into the geography, wildlife, history, family life, education, arts and culture, imports and exports, to name a few. The third one - Who is? will discuss a few of the notable people from this country. The fourth one - (my favourite) Who Would've Thought? - where detailed unique facts about a country are presented. You will hear no debates, no political slants, and no personal opinions. You will get just the facts. Gaining knowledge about other people and their culture is often the best way to understand who they are and why they do things a certain way. This, in turn, can make us less fearful of differences and hopefully more accepting.