About the podcast: Hi! I’m Dr Adam Forbes. I am an Ecologist who specialises in the restoration of forest ecosystems. The Nature Conversations Podcast isn’t about me, however, the purpose of the podcast is to capture knowledge and insights from remarkable people and profile important issues for ecology and nature conversation. Supporting the podcast and connecting with me: If you like the content of the podcast, you can support its creation in the following ways: 1 – following, liking, rating and sharing the podcast or episodes with others, 2 – via my Patreon account (you can even support for free) https://patreon.com/DrAdamForbes If you’d like to contact me, you can do so via email: [email protected] or via my website https://www.forbesecology.co.nz You can also find me on socials: Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/dradamforbes Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/adamforbesnz LinkedIn - http://linkedin.com/in/dr-adam-forbes-58873a55 Youtube - https://youtube.com/@dradamforbes?si=FzxXRUqdPd9zxPlE