New Eden, A Cyberpunk Audio Drama Variety Show. New Eden is what we like to call an audio drama because it has voice acted scenes, but as any RP-er, table-topper, or RPG-er knows, there are only 6 degrees of separation between high stakes skill checks, and complete buffoonery. New Eden is the result of a lifetime of collective influence from multiple video games, movies, books and other forms of media. The immediate ones for the first season being Cyberpunk 2077, Dredd, Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell, Bioshock, and Ready Player One!. The aforementioned variety show format results in each episode being a collection of Audio Drama Scenes, Skits, Voicelogs, Voicechats, Interrogations, and more! Join Us As We Journey into the World of New Eden!
Plot: The Human Race have taken refuge on the dusty sibling planet of Mars. Such a curious debacle we find ourself in once again. After the warming of The Earth became too much to bare, we looked to Terraforming the Red Eden just a hop, skip and an intra-solar jump away; Such Hubris is laughable in hindsight, but one thing I can assure you is that the Human race will survive even if between the slimmest margins, and curiously enough, that is where we find ourself today. 2078 Earth years is equivalent to 1104 Martian years. Meanwhile, back on earth, a forbidden paradise is being created. The human race has abandoned their home planet, leaving behind a utopia of comfort and abundance. But the inhabitants of this paradise are not the same people who left it; they are refugees from of the Eruptions, the Steam storms, the shifting of the plates, the melting of the poles, and the ensuing Ice Age. The True Earthlings closely guard this paradise, with only the elite of the elite in their respective fields being allowed to return, and offer their skillset to the Greater Good of the Restored Gaia