NOT The BCfm Politics Show

Sep 26 2024 1.2k
NOT The BCfm Politics Show Podcast artwork

A Bristol Angle on Geopolitics and the Occult

UK and London Policing being deliberately collapsed, – 2/3 of police stations already cut – further half to come. – Jon Wedger, former detective at Metropolitan Police – changes since Charles became King, sexual abuse, policing in this country gone downhill. Mass media failures. – UK Govt approving Order Of Nine Angles Nazi Satanist group! John Wedger on Order of the 9 Angles as a military style, covert group, associated with ritual abuse. – Dead Muslim Harrods boss Mohammed Al Fayed Character Assassinated by King Charles Over Diana Assassination; – Mohamed Al-Fayed was a close friend of Michael Jackson and had a statue made of him…. Candace Owens on how claims against Michael Jackson, about underage sexual abuse, are false. – Ed Milliband, Energy Saboteur Secretary, explaining why, as a colossal failure, he had to resign after losing the 2015 election. BUT HE’S BACK! Ed Milliband’s speech as new Zio-Nazi Energy Sabotage Secretary – UK Universities should focus on technologies such as quantum physics and synthetic biology – says Lord Mandelson – Gary Stevenson – [beware – lots of gratuitous swearing] he’s talking about eliminating inequality but helped create the problem – Iran President Masoud Pezeshkian says Israel’s pager detonations in Lebanon are a shame for the regime’s Western backers, – Racist cruel ‘two nice Jewish boys’ Israelis on air mocking Gaza genocide call to ‘erase every living being’ in Gaza and West Bank Naor Meningher and Eytan Weinstein – Over 2/3 Majority at UN For Gaza Ceasefire, Israel Race-Hate Condemned, Palestine Representaton Approved – Jacques Baud: Nato Threatened Russia Decades Before 2022 former intelligence officer, on the roots of the Ukraine conflict. Bilderberg in Sweden next year. – CIA/MI6 Press Conference gets off to a great start when FT’s MC Muppet of an editor Roula Khalaf mistakes MI6 for MI5! – UK Foreign Secretary David Lammy (#Bilderberger) on climate change more dangerous than wars. – Jewish Chronicle new owners not disclosed and journalists leaving paper in protest – paper a Mossad mouthpiece? – Ryan Wesley Routh tried to kill Trump – he looks forward to WW3 and burning down the Kremlin – he wrote a book ‘Ukraine’s Unwinnable War’. – The Neturi Karta Orthodox Jews protest outside New York UN meeting while historic 2/3 majority vote on Gaza is taking place – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

Sep 19 2024
MP3 of Friday 20th September 2024 show [right click to download] (from c. 11pm) This week’s full interview mp3s, bottom of page SHOW STARTS 17:00 London time FOR 3 HRS TO c. 20:00 OUR LIVE STREAM to Listen live online. Alt. live stream OR Download Show After Transmission HERE. Repeats 11 & 5 AM & PM daily on our stream – Download NOT THE BCFM P

Daily Express journalist grassing anti-genocide activists (subsequently acquitted) up to police ‘It was a modern-day equivalent of a public flogging. – UCPI: Live feed ends as inquiry told ‘smears are Security Service job’ SMEARING people is a “Security Service job”, a former police officer told an inquiry into undercover operations – just before the live feed was cut off. – Larry Johnson, ex CIA analyst, joins Tony and Martin online. The CIA is a meddlesome mother in law who has all the bad vices she prohibits in you. Larry explains how the CIA works. – Blairite Starmer Provoking NATO/Russia War: Russian Missiles Soon To Strike SAS Credenhill HQ in Herefordshire? – Putin: Ukraine use of long range missiles approved will mean NATO at war with Russia – UKRAINE’S DECADES OF RAPE? Ukraine’s great resources listed. WHY ARE THEY SO POOR? that Blackrock is after. History of Ukraine, and Wests’ involvement. – Roger Cook – ‘Dirty Bomb’ – weapons grade plutonium on black market. corruption in countries as Communism breaks apart. The Cook Report – Dirty Bomb S08E01 (1993) – Harris vs Trump debate – opinions on Ukraine. Both Kamala Harris and Donald Trump Declare Victory After First Debate – fact checked by Newsweek – US ELECTION WIDE OPEN TO HACKERS! NBC News – US voting systems connected to the internet – can be hacked? ‘Online and vulnerable’: Experts find nearly three dozen U.S. voting systems connected to internet New warnings of hacking risks – NATO Countries Support Israel Genocide By Manufacturing Excuses To Sanction Iran: Germany, France, UK sanctions on Iran for supporting Russia – Yanis Varoufakis – EU is irrelevant now – ‘Techno Feudalism: What Killed Capitalism?’ book. So, what is my hypothesis? It is that capitalism is now dead, in the sense that its dynamics no longer govern our economies. – Sedated: How Modern Capitalism Created our Mental Health Crisis by James Davies James Davis, author of ‘The Sedation of Nations’, on the huge market for psychiatric drugs. – The burning of churches in France. Why France is losing one religious building every two weeks One religious building is disappearing in France every two weeks – EXCLUSIVE Interview with Dave VonKleist, presenter of 9/11, In Plane Site documentary (2004) – US Radio Talk Show Host Dave VonKleist – Project for the New American Century. Operation Northwoods. – Israel being a people not a country. Israel as a Person and People Israel is a Hebrew personal name. It first appears in the Hebrew Bible when the patriarch Jacob is given the name – EXCLUSIVE: Bilderberg 2025 Fascist Internatinal, 10-15 June, Grand Hotel, Södra Blasieholmshamnen 8, 103 27, Stockholm, Sweden – Stockholm, super smart city? Stockholm has been named the smartest city in the world, thanks to its innovative solutions on the environment, digitalisation and BS ‘social sustainability’ – Noahide laws and the Zionist ‘master-race’, Jana Ben-Nun on Zionist ‘Judaic’ sect Chabad-Lubavitch (rather like equally well-funded Wahhabism which created parallel ‘Islamic’ maniacs) – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

Sep 12 2024
MP3 of Friday 13th September 2024 show [right click to download] (from c. 11pm) This week’s full interview mp3s, bottom of page SHOW STARTS 17:00 London time FOR 3 HRS TO c. 20:00 OUR LIVE STREAM to Listen live online. Alt. live stream OR Download Show After Transmission HERE. Repeats 11 & 5 AM & PM daily on our stream – Download NOT THE BCFM P

– Gary Hopkins, former Lib Dem Councillor, joins Tony and Martin. Why Gary left being a Councillor. Cuts since 2008 financial crisis and during Lib Dem/Tory coalition. – Grenfell Tower Fire Criminals 1: Stephen Williams, for blocking regulations prohibiting flammable cladding and requiring sprinklers in 2014 while Communities Minister three years before the fire which killed 72 – Grenfell Tower Fire Criminals 2: Rock Feilding-Mellen (known locally as ‘Cock Wielding-Felon) signed off change from flame-retardant to flammable cladding to shave £300k off refurbishment budget – Grenfell Action Group Condemn KCTMO, Predicted ‘Serious Fire’ And ‘Serious Loss Of Life’ The Year Before The Fire Which Killed 72 Residents – Jubilee Pool in Knowle – how Gary and locallers saved it. Poem about pool by Patrizia Opulenza. Other Bristol schemes run by volunteers, that Council couldn’t have done – Warren Thornton is in Japan – US Military is obuilding up military presence in Hokkaido, is being built up in defence against Russia and China. – Mike Benz, “From Tanks To Tweets” Rasmussen created a NATO Censorship team Joe Biden, Michael Chertoff & Victor Pinchuk, called Transatlantic Commission on Election Integrity (TCEI) – Katharine Gun, former GCHQ whistleblower, joins Tony and Martin. Japan colonised for a long time. China surrounded by US military – US Wants To Deploy Nuclear-Capable Missile System to Japan – The US recently sent the Typhon missile system for drills in the Philippines, a move China viewed as a major provocation – The strange career of Samantha Cohen –The punchline to this article is that Cohen is also now chief of staff at Rio Tinto! – Katharine Gun’s Telegram Channel -> I am skeptical of status quo narratives, try to see through the BS and the propaganda and remain sane and humane at the same time. – ‘Climate The Movie’ – explains the enormous pressure on scientists and others not to question the climate alarm: the withdrawal of funds, rejection by science journals, social ostracism. – Darren Jones, introduced by Paul Burgess, on Net Zero projects costing tax payers £800 billion, going to private businesses. – Yoav Gallant Israeli Defence Minister says killing Palestinians is ‘mowing the lawn’, and then this genocidalist adds ‘the roots must be pulled out’ – Sarah Wilkinson, UK journalist interviewed on ‘Not the Andrew Marr Show’, UK police ask Palestine activist for details of her contacts in Gaza – Pepe Escobar on why arrests are taking place. Telegram boss, Pavel Durov, arrested to keep lid on coverage of Gaza? – Cash has run out for Ukraine? Vanessa Beeley interviews Alex Krainer, author and former hedge fund manager. – Ukraine is defaulting on it’s debt. – Jeffrey Sachs: The Looming War With Iran, CIA Coups, and Warning of the Next Financial Crisis The Tucker Carlson Show – Rabbi Weiss on Jewish banishment from the Holy Land, a Devine decree, will end miraculously, when all mankind will unite in the brotherly service of the Creator. – Moheen Yaseen – Muslim Eschatology Mulhamma Armageddon Imman Mhadi Issa Jesus and the coming of the Dajaal or Antichrist – Steven and Jana Ben Nun – Jesus is the sacrifice, no return to cattle and sheep sacrifice in any projected Third Temple should be endorsed by Christians – NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

Sep 05 2024
MP3 of Friday 6th September 2024 show [right click to download] (from c. 11pm) This week’s full interview mp3s, bottom of page SHOW STARTS 17:00 London time FOR 3 HRS TO c. 20:00 OUR LIVE STREAM to Listen live online. Alt. live stream OR Download Show After Transmission HERE. Repeats 11 & 5 AM & PM daily on our stream – Download NOT THE BCFM PO