Nusf Voices

Aug 06 2024 13 ep. 43 mins 1
Nusf Voices Podcast artwork

صوت نصف هي مبادرة من المركز العربي لتمكين المرأة "نصف" لمناقشة المواضيع المتعلقة بتمكين المرأة من أجل رفع مستوى الوعي عن أهمية الوصول الى التوازن الاجتماعي Nusf Voices is the podcast of The Arab Institute for Women's Empowerment. We host guests to discuss topics such as gender, culture, women's empowerment, and others that spark vital conversations within society to catalyze awareness and understanding that may lead to a new social landscape that provides opportunities for women and underrepresented members of society.