Online Courses Made Easy | Create an Online Course, Online Marketing for Women, Messaging, Customer Journey, Marketing Funnels

May 31 2024 3
Online Courses Made Easy | Create an Online Course, Online Marketing for Women, Messaging, Customer Journey, Marketing Funnels Podcast artwork

Are you wondering if anyone will even buy your online course? Or how the heck... do you market your online course?
You thought about creating an online course… but you find yourself staring at the computer screen again and again… wondering where do I start?  
You are ready to serve more, but you need clarity on how to actually create an online course that your audience will buy?

I am thrilled you’re here! This podcast will teach you step by step how to finally create the right online course, use effective marketing strategies to build the right audience, and what online strategies you need to sell your online course... so you can finally scale your online business!

Hey, I’m Robbin. Mom, wife, and Christian entrepreneur building a second career with my God-given skills and talents, and decades of experience. After nearly 20 years in public education, I knew I was ready to serve a wider audience, but also wanted more time freedom for family and friends.

Since 2017, I've helped course creators create all the backend tech systems and funnels for their online course launch, but when I started creating  my own courses... I wasn't sure if I had built the right target audience that would actually buy my online course.

I finally realized that I had to start the conversations and connections with my target audience... way before I was ready launch my actual course. I needed to understand my audience like my BFF, and I had to tell them about the solutions I found, what I was creating, and how my solutions and processes can do the same for them.

I created my GROW framework that allowed me to sell 26 mini-courses on day 1 of my launch, and my clients sell 15 signature courses on day 1 of their launch! There's no more guessing if my courses will sell. My framework walks you step by step on how to create the right audience with the right course content, and sell your course on day of your launch!

And I am here to share it with you!

If you are ready to finally move forward with the online course idea that keeps swirling around in your head and you are wondering things like…

-Will anyone buy my course?
-What are the first steps to create an online course?
-How do I find my target audience?
-Do I need a business coach to walk me step by step?
-What should my lead magnet be about?
-How does email marketing work?
-What marketing strategies are most effective?
-How do I create engagement online?
Then this podcast is for you!

Being an educator for decades, I just can’t stop teaching! And on this podcast I love imagining… you’re walking into my sunshiney cozy classroom ready to learn what’s next in online course creation and how to get there! If this is you, then grab your favorite cup of coffee, some colored pens & paper (maybe post notes, too), and let’s sit side by side, my friend, as we finally get you moving forward on creating an online course your audience buys!

Next Steps:Join our Community on Facebook - Online Courses Made Easy for Beginners | Create a Course Your Audience Buys: you'd like to learn more about how to work with Robbin directly, visit