Our Own Voices Live

Feb 12 2022 86 mins 336
Our Own Voices Live Podcast artwork

Our Own Voices Live is a radio show featuring people and stories from our community in Las Vegas and the surrounding area. America is the greatest country on earth due to its cultural diversity and not in spite of it. Our mission is to help bridge the cultural and ethnic divide in America by working together to build the greatest bridge in history to unite us OVERVIEW___________________________ From Business, Education, Leadership, Finance and more, Our Own Voices Live features shows that provide valuable information. We showcase everyday people from the community who tell their own stories of trials, tragedies and triumphs within our Story of Firsts and Community Builder. Story of Cultural Diversity presents Americans with an opportunity to learn about the various groups that help make our country the melting pot of the world. Poetry serves as the outlet for inspired writers to share their thoughts and creativity. Our, Speak Up! and Support section creates an interactive community between listeners. *The above overview represents categories most commonly represented in Our Own Voices Live. Actual content categories may vary from show to show.