Our Roots, Our Stories: High Schoolers Share Cultural Experiences

May 03 2023 3 mins
Our Roots, Our Stories: High Schoolers Share Cultural Experiences Podcast artwork

At Western Reserve Academy (WRA), students possess a multitude of diverse cultural experiences from across the country and even the world. Senior Elba Heddesheimer created the Our Roots, Our Stories podcast to share these stories with her school community. We hope to provide students with the platform to voice their unique cultural perspectives and experiences.Each episode features a 3-5 minute story from one of our students that was shared at a February storytelling night in the Green Key. These heartwarming stories touch on their hometowns, their experiences at WRA, and the realizations they’ve made through self-reflection. The first few episodes relate to the theme, 'Places We Call Home,' but we're excited to explore other themes in the future.Storytelling is a powerful tool for fostering cross-cultural competency and understanding. We encourage all WRA students to attend the next storytelling night on April 7 from 6:30-7:30 in the Green Key. Students will reflect on the theme “Transitions,” discussing the changes and challenges they have faced while navigating life.So if you're a student at WRA, I invite you to join us in celebrating our diverse community and the incredible stories that come with it.Contact the [email protected]