Pagan-Musings Podcast Channel

Dec 11 2018 797 ep. 99 mins 3.2k
Pagan-Musings Podcast Channel artwork

For eight years the Pagan-Musings Podcast Channel has produced weekly content of the Pagan flavor. Continuously growing, PMPC now offers a wide selection of news, views, music, and information to the Global Pagan community. Line-Up: Pagan-Musings Podcast with KaliSara and RevKess, Sundays at 7pm Central. Musica Pagani with RevKess (currently on hiatus). Pagan Weekly News with RevKess and KaliSara, Thursdays at 10pm Central. The Maiden, Mother, and Crone of Green Egg joined the line-up in 2015. Bringing aspects of the magazine to life on the Channel, you can find their live shows on alternating Saturdays. Check listings for programming information. PMPChannel also plays Selections from the Mess from KZUM-Lincoln's Murphy's Magic Mess and Lavender Hill from KZUM-Lincoln. Show notes available at Like us on Facebook (