Plain Ordinary Dragon

Jan 14 2021 87 ep. 31 mins 1
Plain Ordinary Dragon Podcast artwork

Plain Ordinary Dragon was originally born as a concept back in 2006, while I was going through the Dale Carnegie class “How to Win Friends and Influence People”. During one of the exercises, I came to realize just how amazing each and every person in the class was, if, I took the time to really get to know & understand them. Not just the folks who have accomplished impressive feats, built businesses, hiked the Appalachian Trail, or participated in historic events, but the single mom who has overcome a deck of life stacked against her to successfully stand on her own terms or the woman who lost her family in 9/11 or, You. While this may not be a radical idea, it was an enlightening one for me. To understand, everyone who we meet or pass by, has an amazing story – or truth – we can learn from, or can enrich our lives, is inspirational & empowering. Once we understand how special each one of us is, we begin to understand how amazing we ourselves truly are. We begin to understand the power we hold. We begin to be able to access it & use it to improve our lives & the lives of those we come into contact with each day. No matter how plain, no matter how ordinary, we are Dragons. And dragons are beautiful. Dragons are powerful. These mystical creatures, we are, have talents & gifts we have yet to fully comprehend, let alone master. I’m just a plain ordinary dragon, but I’m strong & powerful beyond measure. You may be just a plain ordinary dragon, but you are beautiful & worthy in your own way. We may be plain ordinary dragons but we are amazing creatures. Our purpose at POD is to help you to discover, uncover & understand how amazing and special you really are, then apply it to your life with gratitude and work ever toward mastery of yourself so you can choose to create the life you envision. The life you are meant to live. You are unique. You are the only one of you. No one else can be you. No one else can do the things you do, & that’s intrinsically valuable. We need you. We need your voice. It’s the only one able to share your truth with a world desperate to hear it. Dragons, we welcome you!