Pop Run Radio

Sep 30 2024
Pop Run Radio Podcast artwork

Every day since Jackie's young son Abe passed away in a tragic accident, Maegan, her older sister, would drag Jackie out of bed in the morning. They would then go on what they call a 'Pop Run': drinking pop, driving around town, and talking through the day's life challenges.

This positive daily ritual of a 'Pop Run' inspired Maegan and Jackie to start a podcast that takes you on a 'Pop Run' with them. This podcast/radio show will motivate and inspire listeners to live their best life, laugh, and have a fun listen.

Open up a cold pop together on a weekly 'Pop Run.' Easy listening about shallow things, rants, and amazing guests that will make you laugh, cry, and inspire, but mostly laugh. The best way to open up your Monday is with a cold pop and a good laugh with the 'Pop Run Radio' podcast!"