Powerful Ladies® Podcast

Mar 05 2025 306 ep. 63 mins 11
Powerful Ladies® Podcast artwork

Powerful Ladies founder and podcast host, Kara Duffy sits down with the awesome and the up-to-something - entrepreneurs, creatives, athletes, chefs, authors, scientists, adventurers, and more - to share their story. Your goal is to live your best life. Reality is it’s hard to figure out what that even means, how to start and once you do start what next? Powerful Ladies is to help you figure that out by sharing the stories of people, mostly women, who have been there and are in action right now on making & living their awesome life. Learn how creative director Elizabeth McGarry went from suburban Oregon to queen of sportswear design or how speaker Ali Owens survived domestic abuse to become an empowerment strategist and author. Inspiring stories from real people hustling and growing every day, plus practical tips on how to start your journey and be the creator of your dream life. Be inspired. Be motivated. Be awesome & up-to-something you love. Production, Audio Engineering, & Editing by Jordan Duffy. Music by Joakim Karud @joakimkarudmusic