Our goal with this podcast is to bring us to you. Each episode will be a frank discussion with Property Masters discussing the nitty gritty of the craft in all its glory as well as the trials and tribulations. Expect conversations between Masters about the nuts & bolts of the craft as well as conversations with other professionals in the industry, including Production Designers, Set Decorators, Director’s of Photography, Directors and Actors along with every other craft that we collaborate with. Nothing is off the table and the table is full! So, tune in and feel free to send us your feed back and any topic ideas to our website Propertymastersguild.org ©Property Masters Guild | All Rights Reserved. All materials contained within this podcast are protected by the United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published, or broadcast without the prior, express written permission of the Property Masters Guild. You may not alter or remove any copyright or other notice from copies of this content. For reprint permission and information, please contact [email protected]