Queer Queeries

Sep 26 2021 38 ep. 44 mins 1.1k
Queer Queeries Podcast artwork

Queer Queeries is a conversational podcast that aims to CELEBRATE Queer identity by bringing visibility to this incredible community and EDUCATE those within and outside the community about the unique experiences Queer people have in life and what has made us a fearless and fabulous group of people over the course of history. This podcast will cover the gambit of Queer experience and identity: from the process and need for a queer person to “Come Out” to Queer representation in entertainment to Racism and Homophobia within the community to living with HIV and the stigmas that surround it. Sensitive topics will be touched upon, but we believe that the only way to educate and normalize is to have these tough conversations with people who have experienced them first-hand. You'll laugh some, maybe cry some and, ultimately, learn about what makes us more than just rainbows, clack fans, and tea.