The QuitCast for Writers is a podcast created around the content of Becca Syme’s “What to Quit, What to Keep, and What to Question” model of coaching writers. We feature three types of shows. ~ What to Quit ~ We’re all doing too much. We need to do less. Focus more. How do we decide what not to do? This is how. Watch these shows. ~ What to Keep ~ There are proven models of success metrics. It’s important to know how to trust your own wiring to make choices for you and to stand out as a writer. These shows will help to illustrate what to keep doing and where to focus more time, based both on the CliftonStrengths model and also on the experience of excellent, standout writers who are also wired this way. ~ What to Question ~ Becca is a huge fan of questioning the premise (QTP) of advice that you get from both “experts” and real experts alike. Anyone can tell you what worked for them, and they can say, “it might not work for you”, but they can’t tell you why. These shows can tell you why.