RCCG LP 36 Hqts JESUS HOUSE podcast

Feb 04 2021 27 ep. 9
RCCG LP 36 Hqts JESUS HOUSE podcast artwork

I am so glad to welcome you to Jesus House, a flourishing Parish of the Redeemed Christian Church of God situated in Ajao Estate, off the International Airport Road, Lagos. You are welcome to a place where the praise of God is continuously in our mouths, hence we are known and called, the House of Praise.

Ours is a Church of all nations and all colors clothed together in the love and beauty of Jesus Christ. I am convinced that the Lord has ordered your steps into this place for a glorious encounter. We are assured that here, in Jesus House, God will do some things in your life which will amaze you and astound people around you.

Our Children Church is a whole lot of wonderful experience for the various age-groups. The Teens have their fellowships in an atmosphere that grows them in all spheres of life. In our adult Church, the word of God works wonders as the whole gospel is preached with God bearing witness to His word daily. As a community impact church, we carry out regular medical outreach, corporate social responsibility projects and other support outreaches to reflect the reality of the love of Jesus to all.

We have service platforms for every member to use their gifts and talents to serve God and contribute their quota to the furtherance of the work of God’s Kingdom on earth. We will be glad to have you join us.

As you go through this site, you will get to know more about this Church and you will discover your place in it. God has brought you for a royal purpose and we know that He will see through it’s fulfillment.

You’re welcome.
Pastor Olaitan Olubiyi